News - Page 2

Price / Herman Wedding

wine vineyard wedding suite save the date


wine vineyard wedding suite invitationThe look of this wedding suite was inspired by the warm, rich and rustic feeling of the vineyard where these two wed. The Save The Dates are a gate-fold which opens down the center, in between the two patterned silhouettes to reveal the couple’s sweet message.

The invites were sent in boxes with hand calligraphy, with all of the pieces carrying the patterned motif throughout.

Big News!

Last month, my boyfriend and I pulled off the biggest of all big secrets: we eloped. In Gibraltar. While we wanted a small, intimate affair. We also wanted to share all of the special details with our friends and family (and I wasn’t about to pass up the opportunity to design something for my own wedding).

So upon returning to the states, we sent out this postcardElope, gibraltar, wedding, postcard

which lead them to all the details on this website:

elope, gibraltar, wedding

which also featured this video:

and then we sat back, beaming ever since.

Ramona Falls, Prophet

I had the great pleasure of working with Brent Knopf of Ramona Falls to help put together their interactive and totally cool CD packaging for their latest release Prophet.

The stunning artwork by Nicholas Mahon folds and refolds while the pictures change and bend your mind. AND, it tells your fortune! If none of this makes sense, watch here:


Repeat Factory

I had the great pleasure of designing a logo for Michelle Fifis of Pattern Observer. She’s started up on online service that will take your artwork and repeat it to create a pattern for you. Brilliant Michelle!! See the rest of the work we did for them here

Repeat Factory Logo


Fearless Tennis

It’s not often that we work on sports-related projects. But Jeff Greenwald, a sports psychologist requested a logo for his business that would help tennis players with the mental part of the game and it turned out to be a really fun project.Print

An Urban Wedding

This wedding invitation suite was inspired by a very urban couple and their very urban wedding. The gate-fold card opens up to a map showing friends and family the locations where unique milestones occurred (like where they met) as well as the locations for the ceremony and reception. urban wedding invitationurban wedding invitation

Grow Old Together

A sweet sentiment in support of marriage and naps.

Purchase  here and take advantage of the free shipping for a limited time.


It’s been a super exciting week! Potassium Design, in collaboration with Sloan Schang of Swelldone, has launched Tinder Mill. Tinder Mill is your go-to for cards that are edgy, weird, funny, sincere, and of course, high quality. The cards are for sale on Etsy, and also on the beautifully curated shop Felt & Wire.

Every time it rains, an angel gets pneumonia.

We have many more cards in our queue, so be sure to check back often for more selections!

A New Year

is best spent on the Oregon Coast. With the sun.